As Canada embarks on the Transport Canada mandate for Electronic Logging Devices (ELD) in all Commercial Vehicles, all transportation providers, big or small, are busy preparing fleets, drivers, and owners for the long awaited ELD mandate.
Top 3 important facts to know about the ELD mandate:
With close to 200,000 commercial vehicles on Canadian roads at any one given time, the impact of ELD and Hours of Service is of the utmost importance and safety of everyone who travels on our roads.
FMi Logistics supports this initiative by ensuring that all partner carriers are compliant with this mandate by June 12, 2022, the date set by the Federal Government for hard enforcement. While the ELD mandate is effective June 12, 2021, there will be a year long progressive enforcement period that will provide carriers a year to be compliant before penalties will be applied.
The following article provides additional detailed information on the ELD mandate and the features and benefits of this program.
If you want to know more about how FMi Logistics will be working with our carrier partners on this program, reach out to your FMi Freight operator today at 1-866-723-6660.
No matter your business needs, FMi Logistics is here to serve you. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.